Colibri Coaching

Find Your Truth™

Today's world presents a challenging landscape for many individuals. For both adults and teens, navigating this landscape can prove difficult and often frustrating as we seek better outcomes and solutions for our loved ones. The challenge is that we often get lost or turned around on our path. We end up seeking many things believing they will bring us to that emotional state we desire.

At Colibri Coaching, we have designed an approach called Find Your Truth™. Find Your Truth™ is a process for seeing beyond your blind spots. It offers a methodology for taking a clear look at your current role in your own life – and a process for achieving measurable change.

The Premise of Colibri Coaching

Find Your Truth™ means a few things. Initially, it's about getting a clear picture of the role you play in your results. Later, as we get deeper into the coaching relationship, Find Your Truth™ speaks to people's newfound ability to see bigger goals and possibilities for themselves than they ever could before. In essence, it's about finding your deeper truth in life.

Know Your Role

Begins with an assessment. We discover your core strengths and begin to identify your blind spots. This is an essential component as you begin to get a better sense of your unique nature and the role that you play in your own life and what factors contribute to it. Individuals also gain a sense of investment and intrigue moving into the coaching relationship.

Cultivate Your Core

It offers the opportunity to design and document your new reality. We create a Path For Progress, a written document that offers custom distinctions, practices, and self-observation exercises designed uniquely for each individual.

By documenting your new intentions, we form the building blocks for your new way of being and change the dynamics and outcomes that are not serving you.
The individual begins to make significant choices as opposed to subscribing to defaults.

Noticeable growth develops in this stage.

The Shuttle Dance

Is where we embrace change by cementing your new perspective and role without defaulting to past patterns.

The Shuttle Dance speaks to a continued ongoing coaching relationship to facilitate questions of:


Every individual is vastly unique. We all have perspectives and interpretations that, in turn, impact the way the world reacts to our behaviors. If given a chance to look at these factors, you get a better sense of your unique nature. You gain a deeper understanding of the role you play in your own life. In doing so, you have the power to revise it or create a new role. The result is an empowered, more grounded, and clarified sense of self.

Coaching helps people to process and think about current challenges in new ways. Instead of drudging through the past, Coaching gives you a clear path for navigating the present and future. The process builds an individual's competency and capacity for growth. Over time, life and relationships run more smoothly in the direction you want.

Why Hire A Coach?

Every person goes about life in his or her own way. Sometimes we find things that aren't working for us – a recurring frustration, disappointment, or roadblock. We walk ourselves into the same corner over and over without realizing how we got there or how to get out.

Or perhaps, daily life is going fine, but you crave more. You see yourself as destined for bigger or different things. Still, you're unsure how to identify and achieve your next set of milestones.

A coach is a person who offers tools to help you see past the inherent blind spots every individual carry through life. Seeing beyond your blind spots helps you understand how you participate in relationships and navigate decisions. Coaching enables you to affect change to the dynamics or outcomes that aren't serving you.

Sample scenarios in which Coaching can play a role:

What characterizes a coaching relationship?

Get In Touch

We are here to help and answer any question you might have. We look forward to hearing from you.